Sentence example with the word 'valiant'


a man, brave, chutzpanik, demigod, fighting cock, greathearted, heroine, knightlike, man of courage, soldierlike, stouthearted, valiant knight

Definition adj. having or showing valor

Last update: July 10, 2016


He is a valiant army officer who got gallantry awards.   [adjective]


Beth is one of the most valiant woman I have ever had the pleasure to know and I respect her deeply.   [Please select]


Only a valiant warrior can stand a chance to save the kingdom.   [adjective]


He then doused a valiant Stoke fight-back with a third to seal a 3-1 win for Derby.   [adjective]


Mon Dieu, how the world has changed since Ravaillac's knife snapped that valiant life.   [adjective]


And now, since I have returned here, even our wise neighbours of Fairport have caught the same valiant humour.   [adjective]


When he came to his portal of delight, there stood, stout as Britannia herself, and sweeping a long knife for her trident, the valiant cook, to protect her cauliflowers.   [adjective]


For his valiant service in the army, Simeon received an estate with high rank, and married a noble's daughter.   [adjective]


Jenny, who, while she partook of her refreshment, had contrived to make up her breach with Cuddie, rode on the left hand of that valiant cavalier.   [adjective]


Let Hermas try his young strength, and even if he be no priest, but a valiant warrior like his forefathers, even so he may honestly serve God.   [adjective]


May thy people prove as valiant now as in the wars of my father.   [adjective]

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valiance - valiant - valiantly