Sentence example with the word 'validly'


Definition adv. with validity

Last update: September 24, 2015


Can a heretical or schismatical bishop validly ordainĀ ?   [Please select]


Physics cannot be regarded as validly based upon empirical data until the waves have been expressed as functions of the colours and other sense-data.   [Please select]


The only reason that could be validly alleged against mnemic causation would be that, in fact, all the phenomena can be explained without it.   [Please select]


However in calculating percentage figures for non-forest areas (towns, farms, dumps), these 57 fixes could validly be used as representing forest locations.   [Please select]


But are we to say that nothing is knowledge except what is validly deduced from true premisses.   [Please select]


Thus we shall have to amend our definition by saying that knowledge is what is validly deduced from _known_ premisses.   [Please select]


We may say: '_Derivative_ knowledge is what is validly deduced from premisses known intuitively'.   [Please select]


That we may validly infer the existence of God from necessary existence being comprised in the concept we have of him.   [Please select]


Granting the finality of judicial decisions and that they may not be validly disturbed by legislative enactment, the argument is logically conclusive, whatever practical difficulties it may ignore.   [Please select]


The only question at issue was as to the method of proof by which this crime may be validly established in the case of one accused of procuring treason.   [Please select]

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validity - validly - valise