Sentence example with the word 'verderers'


Last update: September 14, 2015


The principal village within the forest is Lyndhurst (pop. 2167 in 1901); its church contains a fresco by Lord Leighton, and here is held the verderers' court, which since 1887 has had charge of the crown portion of the forest.   [Please select]


It alludes to "the court of the wood," at the "speech" before the Verderers, but more particularly to the court for debtors at St.   [Please select]


Briavel's Castle, the verderers, clergymen, and deputy-surveyor, and the magistrates acting for the Forest division, and six inhabitants as coadjutors.   [Please select]


He was one of those who had joined the king's army with the other verderers and keepers.   [Please select]


When they arrived at the pitfall, they found Corbould lying between the two other verderers, who were sitting by his side.   [Please select]


On their arrival, Edward pointed to the body of the robber, which had been covered with fern, and the verderers exposed it.   [Please select]


"I am one of the verderers of the forest, sir," replied Humphrey, respectfully.   [Please select]


At the period of which we are writing, it had an establishment of verderers and keepers, paid by the crown, amounting to some forty or fifty men.   [Please select]


As soon as they arrived at Lymington, Oswald directed the way to a small hostelry to which the keepers and verderers usually resorted.   [Please select]

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verderer - verderers - verdict