Sentence example with the word 'verdict'


acquittal, award, consideration, decree, determination, dictum, finding, landmark decision, penalty, prognosis, resolution, sentence

Definition n. (law) the findings of a jury on issues of fact submitted to it for decision

Last update: April 12, 2016


The convict will be given a verdict.   [noun]


They decided that O'Brien should arbitrate the matter and that his verdict would be final.   [noun]


After an hour you are summed back to the courtroom in order to hear the verdict and receive word of your punishment.   [noun]


Lady Warner received the news of the verdict and sentence with unspeakable indignation.   [noun]


According to Article 117 this matter has gone too far to be settled peaceably now, as the verdict has been rendered and must be enforced.   [noun]


By this means he succeeded in securing a verdict against Gavryl.   [noun]


Go, Gavryl, and make friends with Ivan; I am sure he will forgive you, and we will set aside the verdict just given.   [noun]


In the distress and hopeless dilemma in which she found herself, she shed no tears; she simply stood rooted to the spot where she had heard the Bishop's verdict.   [noun]


The verdict of GUILTY was already pronounced.   [noun]


Posterity, whose verdict she dreaded--this wise old reader of the future was right--must extol her as the most fervently beloved, the most desirable of women.   [noun]


The verdict of the civilized world has pronounced him as perhaps the greatest novelist of our generation.   [noun]

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verdant - verdict - verify