Sentence example with the word 'visaged'


Definition adj. having a face or visage as specified

Last update: June 23, 2015


"Fire feels good," said the burly Moze, who appeared as broad as he was black-visaged.   [Please select]


Anson, thinner and scalier and more snakelike than ever, was dealing a greasy, dirty deck of cards, his opponent being the square-shaped, black-visaged Moze.   [Please select]


Even John Knox, that iron-visaged, stentorian preacher, fell for a time under the charm of her presence.   [Please select]


From a secret panel in the wall there stepped forth a tall, thin, sour-visaged old man of military presence.   [Please select]


As it grew dark a candle was lighted, and I can still see his face as in a picture, a hard-visaged man.   [Please select]


He was a cynical, sour-visaged man, who had just come out of hospital after a pretty severe illness.   [Please select]


And the grim-visaged colonel, With ear-rending shout, Peals forth to the squadrons The order, "Trot Out".   [Please select]


The black-visaged Moze rolled his eyes like a mad bull and Jim Wilson studiously examined a stick he held in his hands.   [Please select]


They had a long talk that evening about her hope of making her school what Roger visaged confusedly as a kind of mammoth home, the center of a neighborhood, of one prodigious family.   [Please select]


Then, blindly, brokenly, smothered in blood, red-visaged and horrible, he half-rolled, half blundered free of that frightful clinch, and instantly rolled up.   [Please select]

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