Sentence example with the word 'volubility'


big mouth, conversableness, flow of words, fluent tongue, flux of words, garrulousness, glibness, gushiness, loquaciousness, prolixity, spate of words, windiness

Definition n. the quality of being facile in speech and writing

Last update: September 20, 2015


Nevertheless, her cleverness, volubility, energy and will-power enabled her to maintain her ground, and when she died on the 8th of May 1891 (White Lotus Day), at the theosophical headquarters in the Avenue Road, London, she was the acknowledged head of a community numbering not far short of 100,000, with journalistic organs in London, Paris, New York and Madras.   [Please select]


The fighting had been too severe and continuous to encourage volubility.   [Please select]


"If he chooses to call himself--" "George Washington Harry Jefferson Ebenezer Popkins," repeated the voice, with great volubility.   [Please select]


All of this, however, did not chill their ardor as much as might have been expected, because of the volubility of the agent.   [Please select]


Of all the malaperts of birddom none excel and few equal the white-eyed vireo for volubility and downright audacity.   [Please select]


Twist, bowing his head as a reed in the wind before the outburst of her released volubility.   [Please select]


Williams got down from his stool, talked with a low-voiced volubility, an egotistical passion and disturbance that roused astonishment in Laura.   [Please select]

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volubilities - volubility - voluble