Sentence example with the word 'wallets'


Last update: August 22, 2015


), who weave their honey-wallets out of cotton-wool and arrange their cells one after the other in some cylindrical gallery.   [Please select]


The Megachiles build their honey-jars with disks cut out of leaves; certain Anthidia make felted cotton wallets; others fashion pots out of resin.   [Please select]


In their absence some shepherd dogs had found their open wallets and eaten all their food.   [Please select]


Let's shoulder our wallets at once, and I will to some distant land, where no man doth me know.   [Please select]


Jupiter's Two Wallets When Jupiter made Man, he gave him two Wallets; one for his neighbour's faults, the other for his own.   [Please select]


To see wallets in a dream, foretells burdens of a pleasant nature will await your discretion as to assuming them.   [Please select]


The uniforms were then folded up, and stowed in the wallets behind the saddles.   [Please select]


The Anthidia have shown us how, in their cotton-wool wallets, they manufacture a sort of jewellery with their ordure.   [Please select]


They were then at the appointed place a full hour before the time named, with wallets containing their clothes, and a basket of provisions that their mother had prepared for them.   [Please select]


Off ran the players, cramming costumes and properties into their wallets as they went, to see the Queen land at the water-gate.   [Please select]

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wallet - wallets - walleye