Sentence example with the word 'walling'


Last update: August 18, 2015


Or less in height and width, with the sides slightly inclined towards one another, and from 30 to 40 ft., or even more, in length; the sides are composed sometimes of slabs, sometimes of rough walling, while the roof is composed of flat slabs; and the bodies were probably disposed in a sitting position.   [Please select]


This was done either by walling up the victim while alive, or by mixing his or her blood with the cement used in the walls.   [Please select]


Cross, _The Essentials of Socialism_; Walling, _Socialism as It Is_; Spargo, _Elements of Socialism_.   [Please select]


The man on my left was named "Pete Walling," a cheery sort of fellow.   [Please select]


Then she laid it across the rocks walling her fire, occasionally turning it while she filled the second skewer.   [Please select]


One or two dead leaves, or rather fragments, are used in the exterior walling.   [Please select]


"Of course the walling off of a part of the past--you said a part--."   [Please select]


She searched the figures walling her about and saw no women.   [Please select]


As it was impracticable to sink the pit into the floor, the necessary depth was obtained by walling up the sides, as is shown in Fig.   [Please select]


"Now, as I tell you, I begin to think--I've told you that this walling off is an unconscious desire to forget something too painful to remember."   [Please select]

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wallie - walling - wallop