Sentence example with the word 'walloped'


Last update: October 24, 2015


If he'd been as tall as that when he fit in the Revolution, he'd have walloped the Britishers some, I reckon.   [Please select]


Sometimes, in coorse, they spells wrong, like bad schoolboys, and then they've to be walloped an' set right.'   [Please select]


"Yes, sir, I walloped him well, big gun as he is now."   [Please select]


When they had been walloped they gave Cathro a look also, but it merely meant, "Oh, that this was a dark road and I had a divot in my hand."   [Please select]


It is his first day, and he looks as if his big brother had told him that he would be "walloped" if he so much as winked.   [Please select]

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wallop - walloped - walloper