Sentence example with the word 'weightily'


Definition adv. in a serious manner

Last update: October 13, 2015


"The consequence of an Irish chieftain above all others," observes Leland most weightily, "depended upon opinion."   [Please select]


He had often and weightily pondered flappers smoking in Zenith restaurants, but he knew only one woman who smoked--Mrs.   [Please select]


"Well," said Miss Pratt, weightily, "sometimes one way, sometimes the other."   [Please select]


He recovered his self-confidence, and after puffing out a sufficient cloud of smoke, talked weightily and didactically.   [Please select]


And he rushed out, and the children heard his boots going weightily along the pavement, and the screams also going along, rather ahead of the policeman; and both the murder-screams and the policeman's boots faded away in the remote distance.   [Please select]

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weightiest - weightily - weightiness