Sentence example with the word 'wondrously'


Definition adv. (used as an intensifier) extremely well

Last update: July 12, 2015


18-24, where Samuel holds a new position as head of a community of prophets and the words are adapted to an incident in the history of David, who flees north (not south) and is wondrously preserved.   [Please select]


He has done wondrously well, I think, if you remember that he never saw her.   [Please select]


The Twelve did wondrously; nay, every man of the twenty thousand fought with lionlike courage; neither counted any man his life dear to him.   [Please select]


Also I saw something else, namely, Bes, wondrously attired with the gold chain about his neck and wearing a red headdress.   [Please select]


She was not thinking of that scene spread so wondrously before her.   [Please select]


It was a beautiful garden, with hedge-bordered walks and flowers wondrously massed in color, a high brick wall surrounding it.   [Please select]


He was always a good business man, and he made himself wondrously rich a long time ago.   [Please select]

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wondrous - wondrously - wondrousness