Sentence example with the word 'worldlier'


Last update: August 31, 2015


I don't think Granny understands her, or uncle Lovell Mingott either; they really think she's much worldlier and fonder of society than she is.   [Please select]


Instead of the mullah, growling texts out of a Quran on his lap, the Orakzai Pathan sat and sunned himself in the cave mouth, emitting worldlier wisdom unadulterated with divinity.   [Please select]


Shallow as he was, nature was stronger than education, and he admired and accepted what many a wiser, worldlier man would have resented with anger or contempt.   [Please select]


He had been expecting this and knew that what the girl just began to perceive and try modestly to tell had long ago been plain to worldlier eyes.   [Please select]

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world - worldlier - worldliness