Sentence example with the word 'wryly'


Definition adv. in a wry manner

Last update: August 25, 2015


He smiled down at her wryly, his gaze taking in her torn and dirty clothes.   [Please select]


He took a grape from a bunch beside him, rubbed the soot off on his trousers, and ate it; then blinked wryly.   [Please select]


"Only, of course," she finished wryly; "only, of course, it costs such a horrid big lot for costumes and carriages and things."   [Please select]


After all, reflected the Baron wryly, in this damnable muddle he must still use Themar.   [Please select]


It would be a fine thing," he said wryly, "if the chaplain were to turn and run under fire.   [Please select]


He threw himself back upon the soft cushions with a muttered curse of vexation; but the mobile mouth was twisted into that wryly humorous smile.   [Please select]

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wrung - wryly - wryneck