Sentence example with the word 'yearlings'


Last update: October 13, 2015


(Note: incisor-sectioning is unnecessary for fawns and yearlings because animals of these ages can be aged objectively by the progress of tooth replacement.)   [Please select]


However, when the percentage of yearlings is compared between the two groups, the difference is almost significant at the 95 percent level.   [Please select]


The cattle roam free on the open ranges, while calves grow into yearlings, yearlings become two-year-olds, and two-year-olds mature for the market.   [Please select]


Others--the colts and yearlings--bewildered, curious and fearful, followed their mothers without protest.   [Please select]


In a total of 108 records only 11 pertained to these yearlings and the remaining 97 were identified as of adults.   [Please select]


The approximate nine to one ratio of adults to yearlings seems much too high.   [Please select]


The high ratio of older adults to yearlings indicates that the life expectancy is long.   [Please select]


They show a wonderful growth in yearlings and they mark their progeny with size and distinct characteristics in a most decided way.   [Please select]


The tranquillity of the scene was curiously at variance with the loud vapourings of the bull, as he raged up and down behind the bars, watched tremblingly by the pair of awestruck yearlings.   [Please select]


Then, suddenly growing tired of it, he stopped, and went daintily mincing his steps back to where the two yearlings stood huddled in awe.   [Please select]

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yearling - yearlings - yearly