Sentence example with the word 'yeast'


agent, alterative, catalyst, ferment, froth, innovator, lather, modificator, precursor, suds, transmogrifier

Definition n. a commercial leavening agent containing yeast cells

Last update: June 16, 2015


Yeast is used to make bread.   [Please select]


Basil Valentine wrote that when yeast was added to wort "an internal inflammation is communicated to the liquid, so that it raises in itself, and thus the segregation and separation of the feculent from the clear takes place."   [Please select]


Colder and louder blew the wind, A gale from the northeast, The snow fell hissing in the brine, And the billows frothed like yeast.   [Please select]


Kingsley's sister, Charlotte Grenfell, the Argemone of Yeast, a lady of somewhat wilful, yet most brilliant spirit, with a small fortune of her own.   [Please select]


Small yellow-ware bowl used in making the stone ash as yeast, and coloring matter, of blue guyave.   [Please select]


Bowl used for mixing mineral yeast and coloring matter of guyave and mush-bread.   [Please select]


Bowl for mixing the stone-ash used as a yeast-powder, Á-lu-k‘iä-li-k‘ia sá-tsa-na.   [Please select]


_--Pressed yeast, which is now made in America, is obtained by skimming the froth from mash while it is in active fermentation.   [Please select]


The yeast is repeatedly washed with cold water until it settles pure and white in the water.   [Please select]


There is no magic in it, no yeast business which reduces.   [Please select]


Upon the afternoon referred to, she had a large pan of yeast cakes drying before the fireplace.   [Please select]

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years - yeast - yeasts