Sentence example with the word 'zealots'


Last update: June 11, 2015


The worship of Baal of Tyre roused a small circle of zealots, and again the Phoenician marriage was the cause of the evil.   [Please select]


They cheered prodigiously when Paul sat down, and a crowd of zealots waiting outside the building cheered him again as he drove off.   [Please select]


They fought not as zealots, but as soldiers, not for religion, but for honor.   [Please select]


What had he naturally to expect from the zealots for that Law but a renewed persecution.   [Please select]


Many of the incumbents deserted their flocks, and their empty pulpits had been filled by zealots, who preached "Woe unto Jerusalem."   [Please select]


Naturally such a movement had its extremes and excesses, and it is from a few zealots and fanatics that most of our misconceptions about the Puritans arise.   [Please select]


The call for zealots to carry the cross westward into the wilderness met ready response, and it was amid a glow of religious fervor that the settlement at Montreal was brought into being.   [Please select]

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zealotry - zealots - zealous