Sentence example with the word 'zither'


Definition n. a musical stringed instrument with strings stretched over a flat sounding board

Last update: September 27, 2015


Ravi plays the zither very well.   [Please select]


The peasants are famous for their devotion to the Roman Catholic religion, their fervent loyalty to the House of Austria, their excellent marksmanship, and their love of singing and music, the zither being the national instrument.   [Please select]


The zither-player finished his hymn just as Dion approached the theatre, and the crowd began to disperse.   [Please select]


And so full was he of the idea of how to set about cleaving the log that he forgot even his zither.   [Please select]


Then she called to him: 'Why are you so cast down this evening, that you do not play on your zither.'   [Please select]


Then the stranger returned to the house of the old woman, and again he was so troubled as to forget his zither.   [Please select]

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zipping - zither - zoaria