Analysis of word 'catena'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'catena'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'catena'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
dj adjacent 18
gh cgantahe 14
ry catenary 13
iv caiatvne 13
sy csanatey 13
uv euacvant 13
cu acutance 12
cr carcanet 12
pr catnaper 12
ce cetacean 12
pt pancetta 12
lp lpacenta 12
du aduncate 11
do anecdota 11
ii actiniae 10
il anaiclte 10
al anllecta 10
ls analects 10
lu canluate 10
ir cairnate 10
st castanet 10
et caetnate 10
rs caterans 10
ir cianrate 10
is eitancsa 10
lu lacunate 10
il ialtance 10
ou oceanaut 10
rt reactant 10
lu tenaclua 10

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
y cyanate 12
e catenae 9
s catenas 9
r cateran 9
l lactean 9

40 words found for letters 'AACENT'

6 letter words

Anagrams of the word catena, words consist of 'AACENT'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
catena 8 10

5 letter words

Words that can be created using 5 letters from the word 'catena'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
aceta 7 8
enact 7 9
antae 5 6

4 letter words

Words that can be created using 4 letters from the word 'catena'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
acta 6 7
acne 6 8
cane 6 8
cate 6 7
tace 6 7
cant 6 8
cent 6 8
anta 4 5
ante 4 5
etna 4 5
neat 4 5

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'catena'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ace 5 6
can 5 7
act 5 6
cat 5 6
ana 3 4
ane 3 4
nae 3 4
ate 3 3
eat 3 3
eta 3 3
tae 3 3
tea 3 3
ant 3 4
tan 3 4
net 3 4
ten 3 4

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'catena'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
aa 2 2
ae 2 2
an 2 3
na 2 3
at 2 2
ta 2 2
en 2 3
ne 2 3
et 2 2

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