Definition of word 'dyspeptics'

Showing definition for 'dyspeptic'
  • adj. suffering from dyspepsia
  • adj. irritable as if suffering from indigestion
  • n. a person suffering from indigestion

Synonyms of the word 'dyspeptic'

230 words found for letters 'CDEIPPSSTY'

10 letter words

Anagrams of the word dyspeptics, words consist of 'CDEIPPSSTY'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
dyspeptics 20 22

9 letter words

Words that can be created using 9 letters from the word 'dyspeptics'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
dyspeptic 19 21

8 letter words

Words that can be created using 8 letters from the word 'dyspeptics'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
discepts 13 15

7 letter words

Words that can be created using 7 letters from the word 'dyspeptics'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ecdysis 13 13
peptics 13 16
depicts 12 14
discept 12 14
peptids 12 14
cesspit 11 13
septics 11 13
sippets 11 13
dissect 10 11

6 letter words

Words that can be created using 6 letters from the word 'dyspeptics'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
yipped 14 15
spicey 13 14
peptic 12 15
spiced 11 13
depict 11 13
cyesis 11 11
sipped 11 13
peptid 11 13
tipped 11 13
spices 10 12
septic 10 12
pipets 10 12
sippet 10 12
edicts 9 10
pissed 9 10
spited 9 10
stiped 9 10
pistes 8 9
spites 8 9
stipes 8 9
deists 7 7
desist 7 7

5 letter words

Words that can be created using 5 letters from the word 'dyspeptics'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
dippy 13 14
spicy 12 13
typic 12 13
tippy 12 13
typps 12 13
dicey 11 11
dicty 11 11
typed 11 11
syces 10 10
cissy 10 10
cysts 10 10
piped 10 12
yipes 10 10
piety 10 10
pesty 10 10
types 10 10
tipsy 10 10
epics 9 11
sepic 9 11
spice 9 11
specs 9 11
spics 9 11
deity 9 8
styed 9 8
ditsy 9 8
pipes 9 11
pipet 9 11
cedis 8 9
dices 8 9
cited 8 9
edict 8 9
discs 8 9
siped 8 9
spied 8 9
tepid 8 9
yetis 8 7
styes 8 7
sices 7 8
cesti 7 8
cites 7 8
sects 7 8
cists 7 8
sipes 7 8
spies 7 8
piste 7 8
spite 7 8
stipe 7 8
pests 7 8
septs 7 8
steps 7 8
spits 7 8
sides 6 6
deist 6 6
diets 6 6
dites 6 6
edits 6 6
sited 6 6
stied 6 6
tides 6 6
sites 5 5
sties 5 5

4 letter words

Words that can be created using 4 letters from the word 'dyspeptics'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
pyic 11 12
pipy 11 12
typp 11 12
syce 9 9
city 9 9
cyst 9 9
yipe 9 9
espy 9 9
pyes 9 9
type 9 9
yips 9 9
pity 9 9
epic 8 10
pice 8 10
ceps 8 10
pecs 8 10
spec 8 10
pics 8 10
spic 8 10
deys 8 7
dyes 8 7
yids 8 7
tidy 8 7
pipe 8 10
peps 8 10
pips 8 10
cedi 7 8
dice 7 8
iced 7 8
disc 7 8
pied 7 8
peds 7 8
sped 7 8
dips 7 8
dipt 7 8
yeti 7 6
stey 7 6
stye 7 6
tyes 7 6
ices 6 7
sice 6 7
cite 6 7
etic 6 7
cess 6 7
secs 6 7
sect 6 7
sics 6 7
cist 6 7
tics 6 7
pies 6 7
sipe 6 7
pest 6 7
pets 6 7
sept 6 7
step 6 7
piss 6 7
psis 6 7
sips 6 7
pits 6 7
spit 6 7
tips 6 7
psst 6 7
dies 5 5
ides 5 5
side 5 5
diet 5 5
dite 5 5
edit 5 5
tide 5 5
tied 5 5
teds 5 5
diss 5 5
dits 5 5
seis 4 4
site 4 4
ties 4 4
sets 4 4
sits 4 4

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'dyspeptics'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
icy 8 8
pye 8 8
yep 8 8
yip 8 8
spy 8 8
cep 7 9
pec 7 9
pic 7 9
dey 7 6
dye 7 6
yid 7 6
pep 7 9
pip 7 9
ped 6 7
dip 6 7
yes 6 5
tye 6 5
yet 6 5
sty 6 5
ice 5 6
sec 5 6
cis 5 6
sic 5 6
tic 5 6
pie 5 6
pes 5 6
pet 5 6
pis 5 6
psi 5 6
sip 5 6
pit 5 6
tip 5 6
die 4 4
ted 4 4
dis 4 4
ids 4 4
dit 4 4
sei 3 3
tie 3 3
ess 3 3
set 3 3
sis 3 3
its 3 3
sit 3 3
tis 3 3

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'dyspeptics'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ye 5 4
pe 4 5
pi 4 5
de 3 3
ed 3 3
id 3 3
es 2 2
et 2 2
is 2 2
si 2 2
it 2 2
ti 2 2

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