Definition of word 'expectants'

Showing definition for 'expectant'
  • adj. marked by eager anticipation
  • adj. in an advanced stage of pregnancy

Synonyms of the word 'expectant'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'expectants'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'expectants'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
io expectations 23
or expectorants 23

314 words found for letters 'ACEENPSTTX'

10 letter words

Anagrams of the word expectants, words consist of 'ACEENPSTTX'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
expectants 21 24

9 letter words

Words that can be created using 9 letters from the word 'expectants'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
expectant 20 23

8 letter words

Words that can be created using 8 letters from the word 'expectants'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
exsecant 17 19
exactest 17 18
pectates 12 14
spectate 12 14

7 letter words

Words that can be created using 7 letters from the word 'expectants'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
excepts 18 20
expects 18 20
expanse 16 18
sextant 14 15
extents 14 15
pectase 11 13
pectate 11 13
pectens 11 14
cetanes 9 11
tenaces 9 11
casette 9 10
penates 9 11
septate 9 10
patents 9 11
pattens 9 11
neatest 7 8

6 letter words

Words that can be created using 6 letters from the word 'expectants'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
except 17 19
expect 17 19
exacts 15 16
apexes 15 16
expats 15 16
exsect 15 16
sextan 13 14
extant 13 14
extent 13 14
sextet 13 13
escape 10 12
peaces 10 12
pecans 10 13
aspect 10 12
epacts 10 12
spence 10 13
pecten 10 13
encase 8 10
seance 8 10
seneca 8 10
cetane 8 10
tenace 8 10
ascent 8 10
enacts 8 10
secant 8 10
stance 8 10
stacte 8 9
peasen 8 10
etapes 8 9
peseta 8 9
pattee 8 9
patens 8 10
patent 8 10
patten 8 10
aptest 8 9
septet 8 9
enates 6 7
sateen 6 7
senate 6 7
estate 6 6
testae 6 6
tenets 6 7

5 letter words

Words that can be created using 5 letters from the word 'expectants'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
exact 14 15
paxes 14 15
expat 14 15
execs 14 15
taxes 12 12
texas 12 12
texts 12 12
peace 9 11
pecan 9 12
capes 9 11
paces 9 11
scape 9 11
space 9 11
epact 9 11
pacts 9 11
pence 9 12
cepes 9 11
cease 7 8
acnes 7 9
canes 7 9
scena 7 9
enact 7 9
caste 7 8
cates 7 8
cesta 7 8
taces 7 8
tacet 7 8
tecta 7 8
canst 7 9
cants 7 9
scant 7 9
scatt 7 8
tacts 7 8
pease 7 8
etape 7 8
aspen 7 9
napes 7 9
neaps 7 9
panes 7 9
peans 7 9
sneap 7 9
spean 7 9
paten 7 9
paste 7 8
pates 7 8
peats 7 8
septa 7 8
spate 7 8
tapes 7 8
tepas 7 8
pants 7 9
cense 7 9
scene 7 9
cetes 7 8
cents 7 9
scent 7 9
neeps 7 9
peens 7 9
penes 7 9
steep 7 8
spent 7 9
eaten 5 6
enate 5 6
setae 5 5
tease 5 5
antes 5 6
etnas 5 6
nates 5 6
neats 5 6
stane 5 6
state 5 5
taste 5 5
tates 5 5
teats 5 5
testa 5 5
sente 5 6
teens 5 6
tense 5 6
tenet 5 6
netts 5 6
tents 5 6

4 letter words

Words that can be created using 4 letters from the word 'expectants'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
apex 13 14
exec 13 14
axes 11 11
exes 11 11
next 11 12
sext 11 11
text 11 11
cape 8 10
pace 8 10
caps 8 10
pacs 8 10
pact 8 10
cepe 8 10
ceps 8 10
pecs 8 10
spec 8 10
acne 6 8
cane 6 8
aces 6 7
case 6 7
cate 6 7
tace 6 7
cans 6 8
scan 6 8
cant 6 8
acts 6 7
cast 6 7
cats 6 7
scat 6 7
tact 6 7
nape 6 8
neap 6 8
pane 6 8
pean 6 8
apes 6 7
apse 6 7
pase 6 7
peas 6 7
spae 6 7
pate 6 7
peat 6 7
tape 6 7
tepa 6 7
naps 6 8
pans 6 8
snap 6 8
span 6 8
pant 6 8
past 6 7
pats 6 7
spat 6 7
taps 6 7
cees 6 7
cete 6 7
cent 6 8
sect 6 7
neep 6 8
peen 6 8
pees 6 7
seep 6 7
pens 6 8
pent 6 8
pest 6 7
pets 6 7
sept 6 7
step 6 7
ease 4 4
anes 4 5
sane 4 5
ante 4 5
etna 4 5
neat 4 5
ates 4 4
east 4 4
eats 4 4
etas 4 4
sate 4 4
seat 4 4
seta 4 4
teas 4 4
tate 4 4
teat 4 4
ants 4 5
tans 4 5
stat 4 4
tats 4 4
seen 4 5
sene 4 5
teen 4 5
tees 4 4
nest 4 5
nets 4 5
sent 4 5
tens 4 5
nett 4 5
tent 4 5
sett 4 4
stet 4 4
test 4 4
tets 4 4

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'expectants'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
pax 12 13
axe 10 10
sax 10 10
tax 10 10
sex 10 10
cap 7 9
pac 7 9
cep 7 9
pec 7 9
ace 5 6
can 5 7
sac 5 6
act 5 6
cat 5 6
ape 5 6
pea 5 6
nap 5 7
pan 5 7
asp 5 6
pas 5 6
sap 5 6
spa 5 6
apt 5 6
pat 5 6
tap 5 6
cee 5 6
sec 5 6
pee 5 6
pen 5 7
pes 5 6
pet 5 6
ane 3 4
nae 3 4
sae 3 3
sea 3 3
ate 3 3
eat 3 3
eta 3 3
tae 3 3
tea 3 3
ant 3 4
tan 3 4
sat 3 3
tas 3 3
att 3 3
tat 3 3
nee 3 4
see 3 3
tee 3 3
ens 3 4
sen 3 4
net 3 4
ten 3 4
set 3 3
tet 3 3

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'expectants'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ax 9 9
ex 9 9
pa 4 5
pe 4 5
ae 2 2
an 2 3
na 2 3
as 2 2
at 2 2
ta 2 2
en 2 3
ne 2 3
es 2 2
et 2 2

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