Analysis of word 'orts'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'orts'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'orts'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
ez eostzr 15
ex oetxrs 13
ax storax 13
fy frosty 12
fh froths 12
fw frowst 12
hw rohtws 12
hy shorty 12
hw throws 12
ck trocks 12
hw hworts 12
hw hortws 12
bh borsht 11
bh broths 11
cf crofts 11
py sporty 11
my stormy 11
hp thorps 11
bh tbrohs 11
ak aorkts 10
ek stoekr 10
ks ktorss 10
ek stroek 10
ko strkok 10
ak taroks 10
ek toekrs 10
ks torkss 10
ak troaks 10
ek troeks 10
mp tromps 10
ef eftors 9
ef eorfst 9
ef eortfs 9
fi fortis 9
ef eostfr 9
fn fronts 9
fs frosts 9
eh eorsth 9
hs horsts 9
hn hortns 9
eh otehrs 9
ey oestyr 9
eh reshot 9
hu rohtus 9
hs hsorts 9
ef soetfr 9
ey storey 9
uy stoury 9
ev stoevr 9
ev stroev 9
nw stronw 9
sw strows 9
sy stroys 9
hn thorns 9
eh terohs 9
ah torahs 9
ew toewrs 9
ey toeyrs 9
ht hroths 9
ev troevs 9
ev eotvrs 9
ew eorswt 9
sw sorwts 9
ab aborts 8
ac actors 8
bi bistro 8
ab aobrts 8
ac acstor 8
ce corset 8
ac aostcr 8
ce coster 8
cu courts 8
ce cseort 8
em emtros 8
mo motors 8
bi orbits 8
ap apstor 8
ep eostpr 8
ep erpsto 8
ip irospt 8
ce rcetos 8
ep repots 8
ep respot 8
ip ripost 8
bo rboots 8
bu robust 8
ce scoter 8
ac sarotc 8
ce scetor 8
be sorbet 8
ps psorts 8
pu sprout 8
ep stoepr 8
ms mtorss 8
be strobe 8
am stroam 8
ps ptross 8
pu stpuor 8
ab tabors 8
ac tarocs 8
ep toeprs 8
ip tripos 8
op tropps 8
ep troeps 8
mu tmuors 8
bu tbruos 8
ag argots 7
de doters 7
di droits 7
eg ergots 7
ag agtors 7
gi griots 7
ag arogts 7
gu grouts 7
de sortde 7
de storde 7
de strode 7
gn strogn 7
du strodu 7
gi trgios 7
ai aorist 6
aa aortas 6
ai aristo 6
as assort 6
in intros 6
en enstor 6
in intros 6
en eotnrs 6
ae oaters 6
ae orates 6
el ostelr 6
at oatars 6
et oeters 6
eu oestur 6
eu oeturs 6
ai ratios 6
er ersort 6
er ertros 6
as roasts 6
os rossts 6
es roests 6
er eostrr 6
ar aostra 6
or ortors 6
et roetes 6
su rosuts 6
eu roetus 6
ar sartor 6
ai satori 6
ns nsorts 6
es eorsst 6
er soetrr 6
ei sortei 6
eu soetur 6
at sattor 6
ee stereo 6
el sterol 6
en stoenr 6
es etorss 6
eu stoeru 6
su stours 6
ll stroll 6
iu siutor 6
at atrots 6
en tenors 6
en tensor 6
en toenrs 6
ei toreis 6
eo terose 6
ou toruus 6
es toress 6
os torsos 6
et eortes 6
es toeser 6
et eoters 6
il triols 6
ei treosi 6
ll trolls 6
an troans 6
en troens 6
tu trouts 6
es teorss 6
is tiorss 6
su tsusor 6
tu tutors 6

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
k stork 9
k torsk 9
f forts 8
f frost 8
h horst 8
y ryots 8
h short 8
y story 8
w strow 8
y stroy 8
w trows 8
y troys 8
y tyros 8
w worst 8
w worts 8
b borts 7
m morts 7
p ports 7
p prost 7
p sport 7
m storm 7
p strop 7
c torcs 7
g grots 6
a ratos 5
i riots 5
a roast 5
o roost 5
o roots 5
e roset 5
a rotas 5
e rotes 5
i rotis 5
l rotls 5
o rotos 5
u roust 5
u routs 5
n snort 5
s sorts 5
e store 5
u stour 5
a taros 5
i tiros 5
a toras 5
e tores 5
o toros 5
e torse 5
i torsi 5
o torso 5
t torts 5
u torus 5
u tours 5
i trios 5
i trois 5
t trots 5

13 words found for letters 'ORST'

4 letter words

Anagrams of the word orts, words consist of 'ORST'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
orts 4 4
rots 4 4
sort 4 4
tors 4 4

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'orts'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
ors 3 3
ort 3 3
rot 3 3
tor 3 3
sot 3 3

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'orts'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
or 2 2
os 2 2
so 2 2
to 2 2

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