Definition of word 'quiescent'

  • adj. not active or activated
  • adj. marked by a state of tranquil repose
  • adj. being quiet or still or inactive
  • adj. (pathology) causing no symptoms

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'quiescent'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'quiescent'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
ly quiescently 25
ac acquiescent 24

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
h techniques 24
l liquescent 21
r quercetins 21

174 words found for letters 'CEEINQSTU'

9 letter words

Anagrams of the word quiescent, words consist of 'CEEINQSTU'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
quiescent 20 23

8 letter words

Words that can be created using 8 letters from the word 'quiescent'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
quietens 17 19

7 letter words

Words that can be created using 7 letters from the word 'quiescent'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
cinques 18 21
quinces 18 21
equines 16 18
quieten 16 18
equites 16 17
sequent 16 18
inquest 16 18
quintes 16 18
entices 9 11
cutesie 9 11

6 letter words

Words that can be created using 6 letters from the word 'quiescent'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
cinque 17 20
quince 17 20
equine 15 17
queens 15 17
sequin 15 17
quinte 15 17
quiets 15 16
quints 15 17
squint 15 17
nieces 8 10
entice 8 10
incest 8 10
insect 8 10
nicest 8 10
incuse 8 11
cuties 8 10
cutins 8 11
tunics 8 11
tenues 6 8
tenuis 6 8
unites 6 8
unties 6 8

5 letter words

Words that can be created using 5 letters from the word 'quiescent'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
queen 14 16
quiet 14 15
quite 14 15
quest 14 15
quins 14 16
quint 14 16
quits 14 15
niece 7 9
cense 7 9
scene 7 9
cetes 7 8
cines 7 9
since 7 9
cesti 7 8
cites 7 8
cutie 7 9
cents 7 9
scent 7 9
cutes 7 9
scute 7 9
incus 7 10
cutin 7 10
tunic 7 10
cutis 7 9
ictus 7 9
cunts 7 10
seine 5 6
sente 5 6
teens 5 6
tense 5 6
ensue 5 7
inset 5 6
neist 5 6
nites 5 6
senti 5 6
stein 5 6
tines 5 6
unite 5 7
untie 5 7
etuis 5 6
suite 5 6
tunes 5 7
unset 5 7
suint 5 7
units 5 7

4 letter words

Words that can be created using 4 letters from the word 'quiescent'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
quin 13 15
quit 13 14
cees 6 7
cete 6 7
cine 6 8
nice 6 8
ices 6 7
sice 6 7
cite 6 7
etic 6 7
cent 6 8
sect 6 7
cues 6 8
ecus 6 8
cute 6 8
unci 6 9
cist 6 7
tics 6 7
cunt 6 9
cuts 6 8
scut 6 8
seen 4 5
sene 4 5
teen 4 5
tees 4 4
sine 4 5
nite 4 5
tine 4 5
site 4 4
ties 4 4
etui 4 5
nest 4 5
nets 4 5
sent 4 5
tens 4 5
tune 4 6
suet 4 5
nits 4 5
snit 4 5
tins 4 5
unit 4 6
suit 4 5
tuis 4 5
nuts 4 6
stun 4 6
tuns 4 6

3 letter words

Words that can be created using 3 letters from the word 'quiescent'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
suq 12 13
cee 5 6
ice 5 6
sec 5 6
cue 5 7
ecu 5 7
cis 5 6
sic 5 6
tic 5 6
cut 5 7
nee 3 4
see 3 3
tee 3 3
sei 3 3
tie 3 3
ens 3 4
sen 3 4
net 3 4
ten 3 4
set 3 3
sue 3 4
use 3 4
ins 3 4
sin 3 4
nit 3 4
tin 3 4
its 3 3
sit 3 3
tis 3 3
tui 3 4
nus 3 5
sun 3 5
uns 3 5
nut 3 5
tun 3 5
uts 3 4

2 letter words

Words that can be created using 2 letters from the word 'quiescent'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
en 2 3
ne 2 3
es 2 2
et 2 2
in 2 3
is 2 2
si 2 2
it 2 2
ti 2 2
nu 2 4
un 2 4
us 2 3
ut 2 3

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