Definition of word 'sly'

  • adj. marked by skill in deception

Synonyms of the word 'sly'

Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'sly'

List of words that you can form using two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'sly'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
hy shyly 14
hp sylhp 13
ik silky 12
ku skluy 12
ek yelks 12
ko yklos 12
af alfys 11
ef elfys 11
ah aylhs 11
ah sahly 11
hi shily 11
ly slyly 11
av sylav 11
ew eylws 11
aw yawls 11
ow yowls 11
ac acyls 10
am amyls 10
br byrls 10
ac alcys 10
co cloys 10
ap aplsy 10
ap alpys 10
op olpys 10
op oplys 10
ac sacly 10
bi sbiyl 10
im slimy 10
ep slyep 10
ap salpy 10
ep yelps 10
em ylems 10
eg elgys 9
di diyls 9
de lysde 9
do doyls 9
ad sadly 9
do sldyo 9
ar aryls 8
aa asyla 8
os lossy 8
ou lousy 8
tu ltsuy 8
ae lyase 8
er lyers 8
es lyess 8
in lysin 8
is lyiss 8
as lyasa 8
al sally 8
at salty 8
ee seely 8
il silly 8
it silty 8
at slaty 8
as alsys 8
il silly 8
er slyer 8
no snoly 8
et seylt 8
it siylt 8
lu sluly 8
ru sruly 8
is iylss 8
el yells 8
il yills 8
eu yelus 8

Words with an extra letter

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
a lays 7
e leys 7
e lyes 7
e lyse 7
a slay 7
i syli 7

1 words found for letters 'LSY'

3 letter words

Anagrams of the word sly, words consist of 'LSY'
Word Scrabble® Points Word with Friends® Points
sly 6 6

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