Sentence example with the word 'expurgate'


abbreviate, bowdlerize, clean up, delete, dust, expunge, purge, scavenge, strike out, whiten

Definition v. edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate

Last update: October 8, 2015


The rapper was told that if he did not expurgate the offensive lyrics from his new song, it would never be played on the radio.   [verb]


Although Noah tried very hard to expurgate thoughts of Anna from his mind after the breakup, he still saw her face everywhere.   [verb]


With these expurgated it confirms the admirable methods inspired by its unmethodical suggestions.   [Please select]


Had an expurgated edition been brought to chaste Alta--plus Menlo--plus Atherton, by Mrs.   [Please select]


Of course, there was a great green and gold Shakespeare, not a properly expurgated edition for female seminaries, either, nor even prose tales from Shakespeare adapted to young readers, but the real thing.   [Please select]

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expunge - expurgate - exquisite