Sentence example with the word 'chatelaine'


abbess, bijou, castellan, circle, dame, executive, governess, intendant, master, necklace, ring, torque

Definition n. the mistress of a chateau or large country house

Last update: September 28, 2015


In her son's lifetime she had, for his sake, condoned the mesalliance, but it was impossible for the stately chatelaine and her low-born daughterin-law to live in peace under the same roof.   [Please select]


You will need a chatelaine before long, brother mine.   [Please select]


For the time-being I really am the chatelaine of the house.   [Please select]


She sprang to her feet and looked at her chatelaine watch.   [Please select]


"You have robbed me of my chatelaine, Edgar," Albert said, after the first congratulations were over.   [Please select]


Or, "Prague--oh yes, mother got the most enchanting old silver chatelaine there, with all kinds of things hanging to it,--needlecases and watches and scent-bottles, all solid, and so beautifully chased."   [Please select]


Here was this beauteous woman chatelaine and queen, wife of her husband as never before, he thought, had wife blessed and glorified the existence of mortal man.   [Please select]

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chateaux - chatelaine - chatelaines