Sentence example with the word 'treacherous'


ambidextrous, crooked, double, dubious, furtive, insubstantial, recreant, slippery, trickish, unfaithworthy, unstable, wily

Definition adj. dangerously unstable and unpredictable

Last update: October 16, 2016


He is a treacherous person.   [adjective]


The ground is treacherous here.   [adjective]


We must be with the masses against the splitting and treacherous trade-union bureaucracy.   [adjective]


However, in a period of acute class struggle, the bureaucracy of the trade unions inevitably plays a treacherous role.   [adjective]


But Hawkeye, whose duty led him foremost in the adventure, knew the character of those with whom he was about to contend too well to trust the treacherous quiet.   [adjective]


"Say, rather, I would have watched, but my treacherous eyes betrayed me; twice have I proved myself unfit for the trust I bear."   [adjective]


Throwing his leg over the saddle, he dismounted, with a determination to advance and seize his treacherous companion, trusting the result to his own manhood.   [adjective]


She asked not what manner of man this hereditary ruler might be; asked not whether he were wise or foolish, faithful or treacherous.   [adjective]


"Not so fast, not so fast, woman--Will three shillings transport me to Queensferry, agreeably to thy treacherous program."   [adjective]


Bartja did not wait to be sent for twice by that treacherous woman, and has disgraced himself by swearing falsely.   [adjective]


Her dress caught in the thorns, and before she could disengage it, the beautiful Bartja was standing before her, helping her to get free from the treacherous bush.   [adjective]

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travesty - treacherous - treasurer