Sentence example with the word 'peregrinate'


bat around, do, go about, hobo, meander, perambulate, range over, scour, take a trip, travel through, wayfare

Definition v. travel around

Last update: July 18, 2015


The old showman and his literary coadjutor were already tackling their horses to the wagon, with a design to peregrinate southwest along the seacoast.   [Please select]


The old showman and his literary coadjutor were already tackling their horses to the wagon with a design to peregrinate south-west along the sea-coast.   [Please select]


Her small, white-shod feet continued to bear her onward, away from him, while his own dimmed shoes peregrinated in the opposite direction--William necessarily, yet with excruciating reluctance, accompanying them.   [Please select]

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perceptive - peregrinate - peremptory