Sentence example with the word 'ominous'


abusive, browbeating, deleterious, evil-starred, hapless, inauspicious, mantic, poisonous, somber, unlucky, warning

Definition adj. threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

Last update: January 8, 2016


Those black clouds are a bit ominous.   [adjective]


Consequently we busily create ominous circumstances which could make the 21st century even more dire than the 20th century.   [adjective]


These ominous symptoms almost always mean a failed big end or main crankshaft bearing.   [adjective]


Lovel, roused from his reverie, looked at him as if to inquire the meaning of an exclamation so ominous.   [adjective]


"It sounded strangely distinct," she said, "and almost ominous; but my feelings are so harassed that the slightest trifle agitates them."   [adjective]


Gorgo, turned pale; but it was not the physician's ominous speech that alarmed her, but the quaking of the walls of the room.   [adjective]


The glorious image of Serapis still stands radiant, but the cross casts an ominous shadow that has already darkened the light over half the earth.   [adjective]


She shrunk as she heard the noise which accompanied this ominous operation, yet remembered Ratcliffe's caution, and endeavoured to suppress all appearance of apprehension.   [adjective]


Ominous revengeful zodiacal host.   [adjective]


Protesilaus of Phylace, however, nobly disregarding the ominous prediction, leaped on shore, and fell by the hand of Hector.   [adjective]


Their chief duty was to watch and feed the ever-burning flame on the altar of Vesta, the extinction of which was regarded as a national calamity of ominous import.   [adjective]

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obviate - ominous - opprobrium=reproach