Sentence example with the word 'weightiest'


Last update: August 10, 2015


The Apologeticus, which in the 3rd century was translated into Greek, is the weightiest work in defence of Christianity of the first two centuries.   [Please select]


Why then should nature have visited our reason with restless aspirations after it, as if it were one of our weightiest concerns.   [Please select]


It takes its place, moreover, among the wisest and weightiest treatises on government ever written in any language in any time.   [Please select]


The departure from traditionary custom, as suggested by the Princess,--coupled with the threat to abdicate,--was the weightiest, yet the most delicate question that had ever come before the chief men of Graustark.   [Please select]


So he took the weightiest pieces of iron and put them into his furnace and he brought out the secret tools that he used when a masterwork was claimed from his hands.   [Please select]

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weightier - weightiest - weightily