Sentence example with the word 'coherency'


Definition n. the state of cohering or sticking together

Last update: June 8, 2015


Now I rarely sleep without dreaming; but before Miss Sullivan came to me, my dreams were few and far between, devoid of thought or coherency, except those of a purely physical nature.   [Please select]


Carmichael, scowling, undertook to answer his mail, but not with any remarkable brilliancy or coherency.   [Please select]


That he had ever taken a fatherly, advisory tone with this woman was unbelievable; her mere approach made him catch his breath and lose his coherency.   [Please select]


The signed statement coming from an apparently naive girl of 15 would seem in its clearness and coherency to bear the earmarks of truth.   [Please select]

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coherence - coherency - coherent