Sentence example with the word 'immersion'


absorbed attention, baptismal gown, burial, deep study, drowning, flooding, intentness, monomania, sinking, spraying, total immersion

Definition n. sinking until covered completely with water

Last update: July 21, 2015


Hence their practice of triple immersion, which provides that the candidate shall kneel in the water and be immersed, face first, three times - in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.   [Please select]


Gresley called "his immersion," but for some days he remained feeble and exhausted.   [Please select]


Moreover, that notion of total immersion was extremely repugnant to her.   [Please select]


Osborn's proposal that the immersion should occur in the wood-stream.   [Please select]


The general result is immersion, as in the case of the intact scabbards.   [Please select]


Immersion in water for short periods does not harm eggs.   [Please select]


It is a question of temperament, or of more or less immersion in nature.   [Please select]


He had his watch, but his immersion in the fish pond had caused it to stop.   [Please select]


The Blue-billed Duck, the first of these, is "especially adapted for immersion and for obtaining its food from the bottom of the water rather than on its surface."   [Please select]


A dilute acid with 8 volumes of water, used in the cold, takes three hours' immersion before any action on the cotton becomes evident.   [Please select]

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