Sentence example with the word 'incomers'


Last update: June 13, 2015


(3) In goo-930 a few more incomers direct from Norway completed the settlement of the south, north-east and south-east.   [Please select]


The incomers slept eight in a room, burned oil at one dollar a gallon, and ate potatoes at ten cents apiece.   [Please select]


This decision bore heavily upon thousands of "late Loyalists" and more recent incomers.   [Please select]


The road was divided into separate ways for footmen, for men on horses, and men in chariots; and those again into separate ways for outgoers and incomers.   [Please select]


Bates had moved out of Vine-Pits to a cottage near Otterford Mill, leaving behind him the bulk of his furniture as the property of the incomers.   [Please select]

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incomer - incomers - incomes