Sentence example with the word 'mirthfulness'


Definition n. great merriment

Last update: September 6, 2015


His cheerful serenity of manner, his tranquil mirthfulness, and the steady charm of his personality made him a favourite with his fellows, in spite of a certain reserve.   [Please select]


Then you find they dovetail very neatly," Knott continued, with a somewhat sardonic mirthfulness."   [Please select]


There was a sprightly mirthfulness in the touch of it, not unpleasing to her.   [Please select]


No matter how often Field played his antics before or on his wife, they always seemed to take her by surprise and evoked a remonstrance in which pride over his mirthfulness mollified all displeasure.   [Please select]


Mirthfulness and dignity seem to seek expression in every movement of the quaint, old-fashioned little hound, and in every line of his face.   [Please select]

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mirthfully - mirthfulness - mirthless