Sentence example with the word 'outnumbered'


Last update: August 30, 2015


The worst tumults occurred in November 1904, when Italian students and professors were attacked at Innsbruck without provocation; being outnumbered by a hundred to one the Italians were forced to use their revolvers in self-defence, and several persons were wounded on both sides.   [Please select]


Outnumbered twenty to one, they began to go down in the scrimmage.   [Please select]


For three hours the conflict raged, and although the assailants were greatly outnumbered they held their ground nobly.   [Please select]


For while the Yaquis were strongly entrenched, they were outnumbered--of that there was little doubt.   [Please select]


The two forces met at Pla-tæ´a, and again the Greeks won, although fighting against foes who greatly outnumbered them.   [Please select]


In this fight Walker was outnumbered five to one, but his losses were only three natives killed and a few Americans wounded.   [Please select]


British and Spanish-American emancipation of slaves had affected only small numbers or small regions, in which one race greatly outnumbered the other.   [Please select]


A vivid description of the Legislature of this State in which the Negroes largely outnumbered the whites is given by James S.   [Please select]


Where negroes outnumbered the whites fourfold, the mere suggestion of emancipation raised a race question which seemed appalling in its proportions.   [Please select]


In England, the small battle fleet was increased by the voluntary contributions of all classes till it actually outnumbered the Spanish fleet, though the vessels were very much smaller.   [Please select]

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outnumber - outnumbered - outnumbering