Sentence example with the word 'outnumbering'


Last update: September 28, 2015


The mainstay of the Ottoman dynasty is the Asiatic portion of the empire, where the Mahommedan religion is absolutely predominant, and where the naturally vigorous and robust Turki race forms in Asia Minor a compact mass of many millions, far outnumbering any other single ethnical element and probably equalling all taken collectively.   [Please select]


The second class is selfish also, encroaching, bold, self-relying, always outnumbering the other, and recruiting its numbers every hour by births.   [Please select]


His boldness and firmness, even when surrounded by red warriors greatly outnumbering his own small force, had a profound effect upon them.   [Please select]


Within a few minutes you will be attacked by a force outnumbering you more than two to one.   [Please select]


The new Germans came in hordes even outnumbering the migrations of the fifties.   [Please select]


The Mexicans had crossed the river in heavy force, outnumbering the troop of Texans at least five to one.   [Please select]


But outnumbering all were massed rows of clean-faced young men whom his enthusiasm had drawn resistlessly.   [Please select]

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outnumbered - outnumbering - outnumbers