Sentence example with the word 'paintbrush'


air brush, camera lucida, chalk, drawing paper, easel, lay figure, paint, pastel, scratchboard, sketchpad, stump

Definition n. a brush used as an applicator

Last update: July 7, 2015


Nowadays the cost of paintbrushes has gone up.   [Please select]


Indian paintbrush, lupine, fireweed, columbine, all dancing in radiance with occasional hummingbirds cavorting from feast to feast, their red throats sparkling in the sun.   [Please select]


The paintbrush will make a change from the strain of my daily output of prose.   [Please select]


These last indeed owe their colouring to a layer of pigment which the point of a paintbrush will easily loosen and remove.   [Please select]


The skin, itself colourless and transparent, is in places illumined by a coloured varnish, which can be removed by a touch with a paintbrush.   [Please select]


Effie's father was a doctor, so of course he knew how to take things out of eyes--he did it very cleverly with a soft paintbrush dipped in castor oil.   [Please select]

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paint - paintbrush - painted