Sentence example with the word 'ragman'


beach bum, bum, gamine, idler, lazzarone, old-clothesman, ragpicker, stray, swagman, tramp, vagabond, wastrel

Last update: August 4, 2015


Ragman Rolls >>   [Please select]


A sackshouldered ragman bars his path.   [Please select]


_His_ name does not appear in the list of submissions called "The Ragman's Roll."   [Please select]


It went perforce to the ragman, if he would condescend to accept it.   [Please select]


"If you mean the observation as a sneer at my ancestry," said the knight, with an assumption of dignified superiority and composure, "I have the pleasure to inform you, that the name of my ancestor, Gamelyn de Guardover, Miles, is written fairly with his own hand in the earliest copy of the Ragman-roll."   [Please select]


I was a little too rude with you about Sir Gamelyn--why, he is an old acquaintance of mine, man, and a favourite; he kept company with Bruce and Wallace--and, I'll be sworn on a black-letter Bible, only subscribed the Ragman-roll with the legitimate and justifiable intention of circumventing the false Southern--'twas right Scottish craft, my good knight--hundreds did it.   [Please select]

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raglan - ragman - ragmen