Sentence example with the word 'sepulture'


Definition n. the ritual placing of a corpse in a grave

Last update: June 26, 2015


These structures, however, are of comparatively minor importance in point of dimensions and decoration; they were apparently designed as places of sepulture for local chieftains, whose domains were afterwards incorporated in the Athenian realm by the vuvoucccr,u6 (synoecism) attributed 1/ Attal}is y?   [Please select]


, in the matter of sepulture, resisted Constantine Pogonatus.   [Please select]


This indicated the immediate proximity of the place of sepulture.   [Please select]


The white objects upon the ground were buffalo skulls, arranged in the mystic circle commonly seen at Indian places of sepulture upon the prairie.   [Please select]


[Footnote: In his account "Des ceremonies qu'ils [les Hurons] gardent en leur sepulture et de leur deuil," and "De la Feste solemnelle des morts."'   [Please select]


So long as the body remained unburied, the soul wandered restless in Hades; hence the sacredness of the rites of sepulture.   [Please select]


Lord Herbert of Cherbury, in 1648, and Shirley the dramatist, in 1666, had been carried to the same place of sepulture.   [Please select]


By AERIAL SEPULTURE, the bodies being deposited on scaffolds or trees, in boxes or canoes, the two latter receptacles supported on scaffolds or posts, or on the ground.   [Please select]


The skull being wanting, it could not be determined whether the remains were those of an Indian or of a white man, but in either case the sepulture was peculiarly aboriginal.   [Please select]

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