Sentence example with the word 'subtlest'


Last update: October 26, 2015


Now it is true that the critic must be unconscious of some of the subtlest charms and nicest delicacies of language who would exclude from humorous writing all those impressions and surprises which depend on the use of the diverse sense of words.   [Please select]


The subtlest fool is the worst, and Gooja Singh's tongue did not lack subtlety on occasion.   [Please select]


The words were very faint: they would have reached the subtlest ear with the suggestiveness of a light dreary wind blowing over a desolation.   [Please select]


= On the one hand, there is the persistent desire to be attractive, which manifests itself in the subtlest ways.   [Please select]


You do not know how badly I am wounded," he pleaded, with the subtlest double meaning."   [Please select]


Information, facts, are merely the raw material of culture; sympathy is its subtlest essence.   [Please select]


In his ears whispered the subtlest of all his many voices: "She'll never speak to you, once that's printed."'   [Please select]

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subtler - subtlest - subtleties