Sentence example with the word 'township'


archbishopric, boom town, city, departement, exurb, hamlet, metropolitan area, polis, sheriffalty, stake, urban complex, ward

Definition n. an administrative division of a county

Last update: June 10, 2015


Just then, Dean noticed a sign for Delbart Regional High School, which serviced the township where young "Mr. Jones," the third guest at Whitney's Motel, was attending school.   [Please select]


All aliens awaiting trial and confined within the township limits shall march with the band if they are able.   [Please select]


It was not only askaris; the whole township turned out as to the circus, with Schubert and his long kiboko ruling the riot.   [Please select]


These two tracts formed the township of Saco, a part of which now bears the name of Biddeford.   [Please select]


"But Joe Bagby says there 's a scheme ter git the committee of Brunswick township ter take it up."   [Please select]


The Master had seen him several times, in the village; and recognized him as Homer Wefers, the newly-appointed Township Head Constable.   [Please select]

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townsfolk - township - townships