Sentence example with the word 'wiles'


Last update: October 5, 2015


The march upon Naples became a triumphal progress, which the wiles of Francesco II.   [Please select]


Professor Robbins feels sort of anxious about her; he is afraid of the wicked wiles of a big city like Greenville.   [Please select]


An instinctive predisposition is her only guide, an infallible guide under normal conditions, but hopelessly lost when subjected to the wiles of the experimenter.   [Please select]


At first she wouldn't leave me, but--the fickle little thing--a glass of milk transferred all her smiles and wiles to the matron.   [Please select]


She had only to ply her native wiles for a few precious moments.   [Please select]


He had destroyed the powerful Pearl Feather, killed his serpents, and escaped all his wiles and charms.   [Please select]


Worthington believed--had taken advantage of his son's youth by feminine wiles of no mean order so as to gain possession of him.   [Please select]


"She has brought it upon herself by every hour of my sovereign's life clouded through her wiles."   [Please select]


And dost thou forget the wiles and treachery of thy old lover whom thou hast flouted, Sir Dewin of Castle Cower.   [Please select]


For many days Nan seemed a match for all the wiles de Spain could use to catch sight of her.   [Please select]


It was composed of men who had tasted alike of victory and defeat, veterans skilled in all the wiles and stratagems of war, and with hearts to endure anything.   [Please select]

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wiled - wiles - wilful