Sentence example with the word 'arcanum'


Definition n. information known only to a special group

Last update: July 8, 2015


Other encyclicals, such as those on Christian marriage (Arcanum divinae sapientiae, 10th February 1880), on the Rosary (Supremi apostolatus oficii, 1st September 1883, and Superiore anno, 5th September 1898), and on Freemasonry (Humanism genus, 20th April 1884), dealt with subjects on which his predecessor had been accustomed to pronounce allocutions, and were on similar lines.   [Please select]


But to-night, in the gin-evolved confidence, he admitted them to the arcanum: "I've got a literary problem that's worrying me to death."   [Please select]


Herman Dousterswivel, "approached so near de arcanum, what you call de great mystery,--de Panchresta--de Polychresta--I do know as much of it as Pelaso de Taranta, or Basilius--and either I will bring you in two and tree days de No."   [Please select]

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arcane - arcanum - archaeological