Sentence example with the word 'blares'


Last update: July 4, 2015


There's no mystery about it, no atmosphere; it just blares away at you.   [Please select]


Through the drifting fog without the gramophone blares over coughs and feetshuffling.   [Please select]


By day it was quite impossible, all toots and blares, the most frightful discords--but at night its vulgar loudness was toned down sufficiently so that a fellow with artist's ears could really stand listening to its life, especially if I did not go too close but listened from my window.   [Please select]


"When the train comes sweeping up the valley, trailing its great beautiful banner of smoke, I feel as though it were the crescendo announcing something, and at the crossing, when that noble rounded note blares out."   [Please select]

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blared - blares - blaring