Sentence example with the word 'crenelated'


Last update: July 18, 2015


The relics of the two Marks, who are said to have been buried at Saintes-Maries, are bestowed in the upper storey of the apse of the fortress-church, a remarkable building of the 12th century with crenelated and machicolated walls.   [Please select]


THE PROMISE OF DREAMS CHAPTER I THE ENCOUNTER Glenister gazed out over the harbor, agleam with the lights of anchored ships, then up at the crenelated mountains, black against the sky.   [Please select]


North, south, east and west, the trade-routes intersected, entering the city through the ornate gates in crenelated limestone walls.   [Please select]


At the foot of the crenelated, battlemented walls of the church are the white, pink, and blue walled houses of the huddling population, and the dory-like boats of the fishers.   [Please select]


_" The greatest monument of all is the magnificent Palais des Papes, its crenelated walls and battlements vying with the city walls and ramparts as a splendid example of mediƦval architecture."   [Please select]


The plan shows a crenelated enclosure, resembling the walls of a great Babylonian palace or temple, such as have been found at Telloh, Warka, or Mukayyar.   [Please select]

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crenated - crenelated - crenellated