Sentence example with the word 'crenellated'


Last update: August 4, 2015


It's worth to see remanents of crenellated castle.   [Please select]


At the top. The terre-plein is well and smoothly paved, and is defended by a crenellated parapet.   [Please select]


Here and there large dunes of golden-coloured sand rose, some straight as city walls, some curved like seats in an amphitheatre, others indented, crenellated like battlements, undulating in beastlike shapes.   [Please select]


The inner wall was twelve feet higher than the outer one, and, like it, was provided with a crenellated battlement four feet high; there were projecting turrets at each corner, and one in the middle of each side.   [Please select]

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crenelated - crenellated - crenulate