Sentence example with the word 'curtailing'


Last update: August 30, 2015


On the 26th of January the grand-duke issued a circular letter to the Tuscan bishops suggesting certain reforms, especially in the matter of the restoration of the authority of diocesan synods, the purging of the missals and breviaries of legends, the assertion of episcopal as against papal authority, the curtailing of the privileges of the monastic orders, and the better education of the clergy.   [Please select]


Burke never conceived the possibility of disestablishing the Irish Church, or even of curtailing its emoluments.   [Please select]


Of course, he must have as little of the wrong example, especially in his younger and tenderer years, as can be managed without too greatly checking his activity and curtailing his freedom.   [Please select]


In regard to the list of names you sent me for the wedding, really, Carl, I do not see how I can possibly accommodate so many of your friends without seriously curtailing my own list.   [Please select]

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curtailed - curtailing - curtailment