Sentence example with the word 'divested'


bared, bereaved of, cut off, denuded, exposed, laid bare, out of, robbed of, showing, stripped of, unveiled

Last update: August 11, 2015


Garrod in 1876 and 1877 who finally divested the Family of these aliens, but until examples of some of the other genera have been anatomically examined it may not be safe to say that they all belong to the Pteroptochidae.   [Please select]


We stood in the hall, while Franklin divested the visitors of their outer wraps and trappings.   [Please select]


Then he and Obed divested the two of their outer clothing and put it upon themselves.   [Please select]


Having divested ourselves of our clothing--and with what joy I cast off the hideous garment.   [Please select]


Divested of this extraneous business, the matter is a most simple one.   [Please select]


"Yes, yes; you have seen it divested of all its pomp."   [Please select]


Presently another egret is caught and divested of its plumes, and the process continues all day.   [Please select]

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divest - divested - divesting