Sentence example with the word 'periodical'


airing, bimonthly, bruiting, diary, evulgation, issuance, newsletter, pictorial, publishing, serial, telecasting

Definition adj. happening or recurring at regular intervals

Last update: June 26, 2015


The Technology Source A peer-reviewed bimonthly periodical published by the Michigan Virtual University.   [noun]


Happily our periodical blight is expiring, like cuckoo-spit, in its own bubbles; and the time is returning when the bottle-blister will not be accepted as the good ripe peach.   [Please select]


Cowes and "Cowes week" are preeminent annual events in society's periodical swing around the circle.   [Please select]


By the violent and periodical sacrifice of laborers: this we have just seen, and shall see again; 2.   [adjective]


The decimation of society is now imperceptible and permanent, now periodical and violent; it depends upon the course which property takes.   [adjective]


On the direction and purpose of his periodical journey he remained steadily silent; but it was well understood that he was then in attendance on his unfortunate patron.   [Please select]


Besides, the board made periodical pilgrimages to the farm, and always sent the beadle the day before, to say they were going.   [Please select]

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periodic - periodical - periodically