Sentence example with the word 'excogitated'


Last update: October 11, 2015


"I can't say as I did, sir, but it was cooriously enough excogitated _for_ me."   [Please select]


He rubbed the warm pipe bowl against his cheek and excogitated the matter in deep humility.   [Please select]


His Majesty, unwilling to proceed to extremities, and well aware that such measures sooner or later result in violent reactions, has excogitated a more fundamental and comprehensive measure, of which I need say no more.   [Please select]


Each has now his memories, his tirade on this much-excogitated subject of the shirkers, and all begin to overflow and to talk at once.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

excogitate - excogitated - excogitation