Sentence example with the word 'excogitation'


Definition n. thinking something out with care in order to achieve complete understanding of it

Last update: June 27, 2015


He created their formal logic and contributed much that was of value to their psychology and epistemology; but in the main his work was to new-label and new-arrange in every department, and to lavish most care and attention on the least important parts - the logical terminology and the refutation of fallacies, or, as his opponents declared, the excogitation of fallacies which even he could not refute.   [Please select]


An old philosopher--a Descartes, suppose--fancied that out of primitive truths, which he could by ardent excogitation know, he might by pure deduction evolve the entire universe.   [Please select]


"Yes," agreed the young man, though with a lilt of dubiety, and a frown of excogitation, as if he weren't sure that he had quite caught her drift.   [Please select]

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